As always I had an amazing time in Beford for this years NICE Comic Con. The liver took a pounding (as usual) and I laughed pretty much non stop over the three days with some of the greatest artists and people in the industry.
We only got a few pics from the weekend as nearly everything was video, but it was nice to leave the phone for a while and just enjoy the moment.
Heres a few pics of Noel Guard's, Tehani Farr's and mine set ups for the weekend. The tables nicely hiding dozens of empty bottles and naughty snacks!
Looking forward to next years!
Also.. My gf Jess is helping me book in lots of conventions for next year. (Something I never have the time to do) With her organisation skills on my side I will hopefully be at a convention near you in 2020!!
Much love to all that made this weekend so great and everyone who stopped by, said hi and bought some prints! <3